February 11th is the birthday of the most famous American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison.
Edison was born in 1847. He was not a good student when he was a young boy. His teacher said
he was one of the most dumb headed(笨头笨脑的)students. He did badly in many subjects and
left school after only three months. So his mother took him home and taught him herself. Edison
didn't like school at all, but he loved science. He liked to ask questions.
One day his father found him sitting on some eggs. His father asked him why. The boy didn't
answer. He asked his father instead, "Why can't I hatch(孵化)chickens, but hens can?"
Edison invented 1328 things in his life, and these things made our lives more comfortable(舒适的)
and the world more beautiful. People will never forget him.
1. Edison was born _____.
A. in winter
B. one hundred years ago
C. in Canada
D. in January
2. Edison's teacher said _____.
A. he was one of the cleverest boys
B. he was a good student
C. he was not a good student
D. he could learn many things
3. Edison's mother _____.
A. taught him at home
B. taught him at school
C. was a teacher
D. took him to another school
4. One day Edison sat on some eggs. He _____.
A. liked to sit there
B. wanted to break the eggs
C. wanted his father to look for him
D. wanted to hatch chickens
5. We now know Edison _____.
A. was a good student
B. was a dumb headed student
C. was very clever
D. wasn't famous