What does the speaker mean a. The moving cost him much money. b. The moving made him very tired. c. The moving took him a lot of time. d. The moving made him lose many belongings.
解析:[听力原文]Moving into the new apartment has taken a great deal out of him.[解题思路] 本题型考查考生对一些在语法、搭配、固定用法等方面并非浅显易懂而且在语义上一语双关的句子的理解。[典型试题解析] 第11题,原句为Those who throw dirt are sure to lose ground,这是一句双关语。“lose ground”在此引申义为“失去理据、失去支持”,与前面的“dirt”刚好相呼应,本题主要考查考生对“lose ground”这一搭配的意义理解。第17题中考查的词组为“second to none”,考生即使没有接触过该词组,也可以通过字面上的“前面没有名次更前的”而理解为“最好”的意思。第18题考查的中心词组为“pull the strings”,考生可以比较轻松联想到“扯线玩偶”或者“傀儡”等词组,因此不难得出答案。